You have a great looking website and you have a vision for how it will attract customers. But do you really understand what needs to be done to reach the masses?
While your company may be offering the best products and services next to sliced bread, your website still needs to be properly optimized for anyone to find it. And yes, we know it all may not be fun, but it’s still necessary.
Have a look at our five SEO Bits you should not overlook below in order to give your SEO a boost and rank over your competitors.
And remember, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise, if you are launching a new website, these things must be incorporated into the design.
Page title
Think of your page titles as the address for your home. It’s a small way to help people who don’t know about your website yet to find you. And as with a home, having the correct address means a lot. So you should research out keyword phrases to accurately describe your business and your placement within search engine results will be better.
Don’t ignore the structure of the URLs of your website, Google don’t. If at all possible these should match the page titles you are using.
Meta description
When you meet someone, you always put your best foot forward, so you should do the same with your website. Having a properly optimized meta description is of the utmost importance. However, you don’t want to be too wordy and write something that doesn’t produce results. Therefore, you need to keep your meta descriptions concise and to the point. It should be no more than two sentences and should lead off with the keyword phrase that you’re using for a particular article or page.
Keyword density and frequency
When people are searching for products and services that are similar to what your business offers, you want them to see your website first. But for this to happen, as we mentioned earlier, you need to use keywords that are right for your business and that people are actually entering into search engines. You need to use these keywords a certain number of times throughout an article depending on the total word count of the piece. For example, if you are writing a blog on lawn care that is 500 words, then you should use the term “lawn care” seven or more times throughout. And remember that you should lead off the content with your keyword.
Quality of content
Search engines aren’t looking for your writing to be of award-winning quality, but it does need to be both conducive for search engines and can capture readers. No longer are the days when you can find a keyword phrase that is relevant to your business and overload your content with it. Search engines are smart! Their complex algorithms understand the difference between spam and quality pieces. You also don’t want to bore those that find your page. Think of it like your long-winded co-worker that bores you for 15 minutes each morning about what his child did the previous evening. Always remember that the articles you post should allow your readers to take something away when they’re done, and you should write content that you would also want to read. Don’t write simply to write.
People often underestimate the power of images when planning out a website. As the saying goes, a picture is worth a 1000 words, and this holds true for when search engines crawl your website and when visitors come to it as well. You want to have your images optimized for both speed and search ability. The image needs to be able to load quickly, given that this affects its ranking in search engine results. Also, a slower load speed will turn visitors away, given that they’re not able to access your content immediately. This point also holds true for those that find your website through phones and tablets because these devices have slower download and transfer speeds. And while you’re optimizing your images for speed, remember to also properly name the file of what it is a picture of. This lets search engines instantly understand what is being displayed, helping your site appear even higher in results.
Of course there are lots more things that you should do on-site to rank high and Of course once you have done all this on-site you still have to get the off-site work done week in week out but if you follow our Six SEO bits you should not overlook you will be on your way to success.